Friday, May 31, 2013


Things I have done today to avoid calling Charlotte, a terrifying woman at 
Hawaii EUTF (Employee's Union T-something F-something):

--Peruse Westword movie review Heart of Fartness - Hangover III. Director casts "rich, entitled fraternity dicks as underdog heroes". Sounds way bad.
Wonder about band "Trampled by Turtles".  Slow music? Ironically fast music?

--Cat tricks me into half-hour nap with loud purring and perfect positioning on corner of bed.

--Salted caramel latte with popcorn. Surprisingly good combo!

--Assemble and put out giveaway box on porch for Lupus, although Lupus has clearly come early and left empty-handed.

--Youtube. Rogue Traders. Andy Griffith banjo song Dooley. Yahoo News.

--Thought about calling Grandpa. Nah.

--Thought about cleaning house. Oh, now you're being funny.

--Thought about prepping dinner. Yes, quite the comedian.

--What does Coors Field stair guide Anna do for a real job? Elevator operator? Movie ticket-taker?

--Acupuncture. Thinking many people would call it torture, as I have electric current connected to many places. (But it was wonderful when it was over).

PAST NEWS: "No goats in the Parlor Car! If I said it once, I said it a hundred times!"
                       Susan had indie movie filming on train, updated Bonnie and Clyde.
                       She played an extra, white makeup with red lips. "I looked a hundred years old!"

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The sun arrived at 5:45 on Saturday morning. The day was startlingly bright; the air was still, the birds were busy. We go to Jason's Deli for lunch - Sam, Rachael, Abby, Daddy and I. Very crowded, people overflowing onto the patio and into the 80' day. We sit inside. Rachael's order - steamed vegetables and vegetable soup. I have a mini ice cream cup appetizer. We take a couple pics for you.

On the way home, sibling pinch-fighting reveals the uncomfortable fact that Sam  has named his nipples. Since the question will haunt you:  "Titty Roosevelt" and "Poke-ahontas". Disturbingly, they are male and female. More disturbingly - siblings.

Now home, I call Abby (who has gone to King Soopers with Rach). Simultaneously, Sam calls me on the house phone. I talk with a phone at each ear. They yell at each other across the supermarket aisle. Sam wants to know if I have just a little Dawn dish-washing liquid, just one or two squirts. I dare not wonder why.